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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ryder's 1-Year-Old Session

UPDATE! - Here's a small version of Ryder's slide show. If you want to see the full size version (and I know you do!) you can catch it by clicking here: http://www.richimaging.net/Slideshow/RyderOneYearSession/

So, I have to admit, I'm really starting to enjoy working with babies! This past Sunday I had a 1-year session with Ryder and his parents, Ross & Mindi. The sun was out, the beach was clear, and there was a slight breeze to top it all off. It doesn't get any better than that! ...Especially when you've got such a cute kid to have fun with!

Here are a few of the shots we made of Ryder down at the beach. Believe me, it was not easy to single these out! He also seemed to be quite at home, which really made things go so smoothly:

I think it's safe to say that Ryder was having just as much fun as his parents and I were!
Here's Ryder giving a look that has just a hint of dapper, plus a little tongue :)See how proud he looks standing all by himself!
Mindi & Ross, I really had a great time with you and Ryder. He's such a handsome little guy! I know he will be a blessing as he grows with you in your loving home.


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