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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Taiyo's Senior Session

UPDATE: Everyone, be sure to click HERE for a slideshow of the images!

"Are you here for senior pictures?", the stranger asked assertively.
"If you're Taiyo I am." Sure enough, this was Taiyo and his older sister Emi. This was the first time we'd ever met. And, since neither of us had ever been to Gasworks Park before, we decided to familiarize ourselves with its environment. After meandering about the place for a few minutes we commenced our session, eventually being serenaded by the marching band practicing on the other side of the park. It was almost like a sound track for our session... Almost.

At any rate, we had fun and got to know each other a bit in the mean time. I found out that we are both from families of seven. Well, ok... I have seven people in my family and Taiyo and Emi have seven in theirs. Seven kids, that is. I suppose that's close enough. :) I also found out that Taiyo is in student government and is taking on a role this year with more responsibility and much more commitment than the one he was in last year. Very cool.

Something else I picked up on is that Emi loves photography... which came in really handy 'cause, as it turned out, I was in need of an assistant. Thanks, Emi! You did great!

I suppose that's enough background... Let's see some photos!

Taiyo, it was a lot of fun hanging out with you and Emi yesterday. I hope you and your family like this taste of the images we created.
Emi, thanks for being such a willing impromptu assistant. :0)
Everyone, you can click HERE for a slideshow of the images.



Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! They are amazing!!! You are such a wonderful photographer. Taiyo and I had a great time with you. You made the session fun and relaxing. Thank you so much for your hard work.

Mark said...

Emi - I'm so glad to hear that! I think you'll really enjoy the slide show once we get everything finalized. I had so much fun with you guys. We should do it again some time!
