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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gail & Eric's Engagement Session

Today I shot Gail and Eric's engagement photos with my good friend Ty assisting me. What a fun time! We started out at Kerry Park on Queen Anne Hill. It was windy and FREEZING!!! We lasted for about 3 seconds before retreating downtown to the library. Since none of us had ever been there before, we had a good time scouting out cool spots for the photos. Here is a sample of what we walked away with.

Our first stop was the colorful and famous fourth floor:

Our next stop was the romance section!

Gail and Eric, I had a blast hanging out with you today! I wish you both all the best and know that you will be happy together. Take care!
P.S. - You can check out the slide show HERE!

1 comment:

Gail said...

We thoroughly enjoyed working with you, Mark. You were extremely professional, flexible, and the pictures are magnificent! You made sure to get all the shots and were very patient. Both your black and white and color photos are fantastic and you took lots of great candids! We appreciate your wonderful services and personality!